Your link to access the course ‘The Six Things Your Ideal Candidate Wants To Know’ is just below.

Six easy steps but one BIG leap towards attracting the candidates that will make your business great.


if you’re reading this with a blank piece of paper in front or you, or a tired job ad that needs a whole new life pumped into it, keep scrolling down for an upgrade deal that will really help.

Did Someone Mention An Upgrade?

How about I walk you through creating that job ad step by step?  In 90 minutes, you could have it complete and crossed off your to do list.  How good would that feel?

Well I’ve created a course that is like the big sister to the one you just bought.  And by the end of that course, you’ll achieve exactly that.

The secret behind a great job ad is to treat it like you would any other advertisement.  You want to sell the job to your perfect candidate.  So in this course I take a sales formula that has successfully sold you and I products and services for years.  I combine it with some real life examples from companies that are already rocking it with their job ads.  And then wrap in some actionable steps, and templates, to make it work for you.  I also include a workbook showing you how I took a bland job ad and transformed following exactly the same process.

How will it help?

  • The first few lines of a job ad are critical.  We need to STOP your ideal candidate scrolling on past.  We’ll play around with some innovative ways to catch their attention.
  • I’ll help you describe the job in a way that really brings it to life.  We want candidates to be able to picture themselves doing the job.
  • We’ll find the right way to attract who you really want (and we also figure out who that actually is)
  • We’ll share why they should choose you – based on what is important to them
  • And finally, we’ll make sure that the right candidates take the final step and hit the APPLY button.

If you work on your job ad while you go through the course, you’ll be done by the time it finishes.  Phew!

So what’s the deal?

AND as a thank you for purchasing the first course, for today only, I will discount the $7 you just spent from the full price of the new course. So instead of $45, you will be charged $38 and you get both courses to enjoy. What’s not to like!

And there’s more…

If you want some extra support, there is also an option to book some time with me.  Let’s get this formula right for your business so you can roll it out across all your open job postings.  Simply select the option in the pricing box at the bottom of this page and I’ll drop you an email to arrange a time to chat.  (You can choose to use the time to get you started or to review your finished job ad – or a combination of both)

Invest the time to get this right

Imagine this

  • saving money on recruitment companies because the job ad you post on the online boards actually works
  • not having to start the recruitment cycle again because none of the candidates stood out
  • reading through applications that don’t make you want to cry with despair
  • a shortlist of interview candidates that you’re excited to meet
  • a new hire that is right for your business because you didn’t have to settle for the best of a bad bunch
  • colleagues that think you are a bit of a ‘recruitment rockstar’ for continuously finding the best people. (You’re secret will be safe with me)


 Or if you just want to get started on ‘The Six Things Your Ideal Candidate Wants To Know’ , here’s your access link again


If you need to contact me about anything, you can do so at